
Friday, 20 September 2013

Back to School

In a continuation of my last post, I find myself still in the organised disarray of the new season that, to me, is synonymous with a new term at school. It seems more than ever that I live for days off from work, particularly that the new season has brought so much inspiration for new projects. This morning, for example, before another late night at work, I've been adding clothes patterns ad infinitum to my Amazon Wishlist awaiting pay-day. I can't wait to make my little nephew some corduroy trousers - is there anything more autumn than corduroy?
The back to school feeling was most keenly felt at this week's Zumba class. I've only recently started doing it, which is very clear from my two left feet and lack of general coordination. I hit myself in the head for God's sake. But it did feel very much like PE, with me in the back row not knowing entirely what's happening and hoping against hope that the person in front of me didn't screw it up because I'm copying every move they make. But amidst all this, I found myself thinking, "I'm a real person! Look at me, working out to modern popular music! I went shopping today! I bought clothes that weren't for work! I went to the cinema! This is what life is actually about!" It was probably around here that I hit my head but I didn't care: nobody saw me, and I'm sure real people hit themselves in the head all the time.
PS I saw About Time at the cinema. It's completely amazing and most definitely should be watched by every person on the planet.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

New Beginnings

It's the first of September, and I know that's not the start of Autumn, but it always reminds of new beginnings and an anticipation of change that comes with the new season. I loved going back to school each September having decided that this academic year I'd be different, more popular, cooler, etc. I'd spend hours standing in front of over-priced wrapping paper in WHSmiths deciding what I'd cover my notebooks in that year and spend ages neatly wrapping the books first in paper, then in plastic film. I'd go back to the classroom sure that I'd made all the right choices, that I'd chosen the "cool" paper and the other girls would covet my notebooks that year. Inevitably, I'd sit down next to my friends and see that their wrapping paper was cooler, better, more reflective of them. The lesson I've learnt? Don't try to be someone else; buy what you like; do what you like. And that's what this blog is about: not making decisions on design and aesthetics because that's what I should like, but because it's what I do like.
So here's to new beginnings, a new outlook and lots of pretty things - things I thought were pretty - to hopefully inspire individual design and fresh thinking.