I swear, I need to get less busy. Surely, it shouldn't be a treat to sit down?! I've finally managed to squeeze in a little bit of sewing. It's taken me many weeks to get to this point, but today, I sewed the Clemence skirt to the Lilou bodice to make a jolly good start on my first Tilly & The Buttons 'Love at First Stitch' project.
So, I traced off my pattern (good little me), failed to make a muslin (the bodice darts are off as a result - bad little me) and started pinning the bodice pieces to that lovely fox fabric I bought at Leeds market on the Northern Meet Up I went on a few weeks ago. Then this happened:
Yes, the pattern is too wide for the fabric and there is not enough fabric to split into panels. I'm not going to lie, my teddies did get thrown from the pram - I really wanted to do a pleated skirt! - but then I got a grip, got my ruler and drafting paper and made the pattern for the Clemence skirt.
Soon, I had all my pattern pieces, used the tiny bit left over to cut the bow belt pattern and some pockets and barely had enough fabric. Very pleasing! I finally managed to get it all cut out, sewed the bodice, realised I had slight bagginess on the side front boob area, but it's not too bad and I'll do a bit more...adjusting before I sew the lining to the bodice. I really should make a muslin!
The mister went out tonight, despite his horrible cold, so I had a guilt-free evening of sewing. The skirt is now sewn to the bodice, I put it on me and I LOVE it! I can't wait to finish the wee little thing. Despite how keen I am to get it done, I did not fancy inserting an invisible zip when I'm a bit tired. So I've got some sewing to look forward to.
Also, I've decided to make generic petticoats for my frocks. It'll save money on lining, and time too! So once I've got a little slip for under this one, I can wear it without fear of it getting caught on my tights and riding up.
I've got the love back :-)